Monday, June 1, 2009


Fun Fact: Bet you didn't know that it's okay to tell students rudely to shut up... as long as you say it in a foreign language!


"It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education."
-Albert Einstein

Buddy, din't choo know that the only place learnin' happens is in school? Curiosity!? We all know that it exists simply to waste away while we fill up them kids' empty brains with facts, facts, facts. Curiosity is overrated. It killed the cat, remember? It'd kill kids' chances of being unremarkable and average, if we didn't kill it first.

"Nine tenths of education is encouragement."
-Anatole France

If this were true, then we'd have to accept the fact that kids are humans. Even worse, we'd have to 'encourage' them... what does that word mean? Does this refer to paddles, dunce caps, or tootsie pops?

"Thank goodness I was never sent to school; it would have rubbed off some of the originality."
-Beatrix Potter

Dear Beebee! What are you talking about? Had you been filled up with learnin's you could've slaved meaninglessly like an automaton rather than make up silly stories! What's originality if it keeps you from a boring, conventional job, making real money?

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