Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Good Learnin's for Your Day

Some teachers are realizing that a lot of work for us (say a final exam, research essay, and a final project) means a lot of work for them! Others are still dishing out more assignments (assignments that grade themselves! i.e. online assignments). The only review happens, of course, afterschool, when you need to get crackin' on things like, um, homework? And all those end of year projects?

If it's difficult to get done, it's because you can't manage your time. If you do get it done, you probably didn't "take pride in your work".

Fine Learnin's of the Near Summer Months:

Today in HISTORY, I learned it's okay if the teacher makes spelling and grammatical mistakes, because they're teaching history, not English. Exposure to inaccuracies will certainly not confuse any students.

Today in MATH, I learned that you lose points on the state math exam if you spell something wrong. Funny, I always thought a math exam tested your math ability.

Then I learned in SCIENCE that it doesn't matter how you spell anything, because you can just look it up anyway! It seems the same logic does not apply to things you can look up in reference tables.

Yesterday in GYM, I learned that standing around in a field while three to five people move about constitutes physical activity. This must be a difficult lesson, because we do it everyday. Sometimes inside the gymnasium. They say variety is the spice of life.

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